How to make a symbolic link with Cygwin in Windows 7

In short, define the following environment variable: CYGWIN=winsymlinks:nativestrict According to Cygwin documentation: If set to winsymlinks:native or winsymlinks:nativestrict, Cygwin creates symlinks as native Windows symlinks on filesystems and OS versions supporting them. The difference between winsymlinks:native and winsymlinks:nativestrict is this: If the filesystem supports native symlinks and Cygwin fails to create a native symlink for … Read more

Creating a product SDK: How do I add a native lib (.so) and a jar with the SDK I am creating?

I spent some time on this, and i just can’t understand why isn’t this written on wikitude documentation…. anyway follow this changes! go to windows/preferences/android/build uncheck the first and the second option extract files from wikitudesdk.jar with winrar as if it is an archive, search and copy it in /libs/libs/armeabi/ add wikitudesdk.jar to your … Read more

Official “Boost library” Support for Android and iOS? [closed]

Got reply from boost community Yes. These platforms are not officially supported because no one has volunteered to run regression tests regularly for them. It is not possible for a Boost developer to test on all platforms. So developers depend on the test results of regression tests run by volunteers. For example, see If … Read more

Android: How to integrate a decoder to multimedia framework

In Android SF framework, the codecs are registered through media_codecs.xml. In standard android distribution, an example media_codecs.xml can be found here. All audio-visual components are registered as OMX components. 1. Codec Registration To register your video decoder, you would have to add a new entry under <Decoders> list. To ensure that your codec is always … Read more

how to use mkfifo using Android’s NDK

This happens if you build against the android-21 platform headers. Set APP_PLATFORM in jni/ to an older version, to build using the old headers, to make sure you only link to functions available earlier. (Before android-21, the C library features and headers didn’t really change significantly, so for the normal C library functions, it doesn’t … Read more

Android NDK: Link using a pre-compiled static library

Finally solved it. My code: LOCAL_PATH := $(call my-dir) include $(CLEAR_VARS) LOCAL_MODULE := libpcap LOCAL_SRC_FILES := libpcap.a include $(PREBUILT_STATIC_LIBRARY) include $(CLEAR_VARS) LOCAL_MODULE := jnetpcap LOCAL_SRC_FILES :=\ jnetpcap.cpp\ packet_flow.cpp\ packet_jheader.cpp\ jnetpcap_pcap_header.cpp\ nio_jbuffer.cpp\ winpcap_stat_ex.cpp\ winpcap_send_queue.cpp\ winpcap_ext.cpp\ jnetpcap_ids.cpp\ jnetpcap_dumper.cpp\ jnetpcap_utils.cpp\ util_in_cksum.cpp\ jnetpcap_beta.cpp\ nio_jmemory.cpp\ packet_jsmall_scanner.cpp\ packet_protocol.cpp\ nio_jnumber.cpp\ packet_jheader_scanner.cpp\ library.cpp\ packet_jscan.cpp\ jnetpcap_pcap100.cpp\ util_checksum.cpp\ packet_jpacket.cpp\ winpcap_ids.cpp\ jnetpcap_bpf.cpp LOCAL_C_INCLUDES :=\ /home/sergio/android-ndk-r5b/platforms/android-8/arch-arm/usr/include\ … Read more

run-as Package ‘a.b.c’ is unknown – Galaxy S4 Jellybean or Android 4.3

Found success by adding this to the activity: private void startGdbServer() { try { new ProcessBuilder() .command(getFilesDir().getParent() + “/lib/gdbserver”, “tcp:5039”, “–attach” ,”” + android.os.Process.myPid()) .redirectErrorStream(true) .start(); } catch (IOException e) { Log.e(TAG, “IOException failed to start gdbserver”); } } Then I wrapped startGdbServer in an Android service and updating the ndk-gdb script to start the … Read more
