execution_date in airflow: need to access as a variable

The BashOperator‘s bash_command argument is a template. You can access execution_date in any template as a datetime object using the execution_date variable. In the template, you can use any jinja2 methods to manipulate it. Using the following as your BashOperator bash_command string: # pass in the first of the current month some_command.sh {{ execution_date.replace(day=1) }} … Read more

Why is it recommended against using a dynamic start_date in Airflow?

First run would be at start_date+schedule_interval. It doesn’t run dag on start_date, it always runs on start_date+schedule_interval. As they mentioned in document if you give start_date dynamic for e.g. datetime.now() and give some schedule_interval(1 hour), it will never execute that run as now() moves along with time and datetime.now()+ 1 hour is not possible

For Apache Airflow, How can I pass the parameters when manually trigger DAG via CLI?

You can pass parameters from the CLI using –conf ‘{“key”:”value”}’ and then use it in the DAG file as “{{ dag_run.conf[“key”] }}” in templated field. CLI: airflow trigger_dag ‘example_dag_conf’ -r ‘run_id’ –conf ‘{“message”:”value”}’ DAG File: args = { ‘start_date’: datetime.utcnow(), ‘owner’: ‘airflow’, } dag = DAG( dag_id=’example_dag_conf’, default_args=args, schedule_interval=None, ) def run_this_func(ds, **kwargs): print(“Remotely received … Read more

Airflow: how to delete a DAG?

Edit 8/27/18 – Airflow 1.10 is now released on PyPI! https://pypi.org/project/apache-airflow/1.10.0/ How to delete a DAG completely We have this feature now in Airflow ≥ 1.10! The PR #2199 (Jira: AIRFLOW-1002) adding DAG removal to Airflow has now been merged which allows fully deleting a DAG’s entries from all of the related tables. The core … Read more

Create and use Connections in Airflow operator at runtime [duplicate]

Connections come from the ORM Yes, you can create connections at runtime, even at DAG creation time if you’re careful enough. Airflow is completely transparent on its internal models, so you can interact with the underlying SqlAlchemy directly. As exemplified originally in this answer, it’s as easy as: from airflow.models import Connection from airflow import … Read more
