Adobe AIR to execute program

With AIR 2.0 you now can: if(NativeProcess.isSupported) { var file:File = File.desktopDirectory; file = file.resolvePath(“StyleLookupold.exe”); var nativeProcessStartupInfo:NativeProcessStartupInfo = new NativeProcessStartupInfo(); nativeProcessStartupInfo.executable = file; var process:NativeProcess = new NativeProcess(); process.start(nativeProcessStartupInfo); } You also need to add this to your descriptor file. <supportedProfiles>extendedDesktop</supportedProfiles>

AIR 3 Native Extensions for Android – Can I/How to include 3rd party libraries?

You have to combine all your jars into one. Something like or your own Ant script will help. Edited to add example: Suppose your main extension jar file is extension.jar and you are using code in external.jar. Then you can put the classes from external.jar into extension.jar using the Java jar tool: jar -xf … Read more

SQLite Parameters – Not allowing tablename as parameter

Generally one cannot use SQL parameters/placeholders for database identifiers (tables, columns, views, schemas, etc.) or database functions (e.g., CURRENT_DATE), but instead only for binding literal values. With server-side support for parameterized (a.k.a. prepared) statements, the DB engine parses your query once, remembering out the peculiars of any parameters — their types, max lengths, precisions, etc. … Read more

error “activity class does not exist” when launching android app with adb shell am start

Watch out for applicationIdSuffix!! When using applicationIdSuffix in build.gradle the suffix only applies to your application id, not to the actual package structure in the generated .apk, meaning that referencing your activity the short way (.MainActivity, instead of using its fully qualified name) will add the application id suffix to the path of the activity … Read more
