aiohttp.client_exceptions.ClientConnectorError: Cannot connect to host ssl:default [Connect call failed (‘’, 443)]

first solution Referring to the help from the forum, I added trust_env = True when creating the client and now everything works. Explanation: Free accounts on PythonAnywhere must use a proxy to connect to the public internet, but aiohttp, by default, does not connect to a proxy accessible from an environment variable. Link to aiohttp … Read more

How can I wrap a synchronous function in an async coroutine?

Eventually I found an answer in this thread. The method I was looking for is run_in_executor. This allows a synchronous function to be run asynchronously without blocking an event loop. In the sleep example I posted above, it might look like this: import asyncio from time import sleep async def sleep_async(loop, delay): # None uses … Read more

Learning asyncio: “coroutine was never awaited” warning error

You made faire_toutes_les_requetes_sans_bloquer an awaitable function, a coroutine, by using async def. When you call an awaitable function, you create a new coroutine object. The code inside the function won’t run until you then await on the function or run it as a task: >>> async def foo(): … print(“Running the foo coroutine”) … >>> … Read more

How to call an async function without await?

One way would be to use create_task function: import asyncio async def handler_message(request): … loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() loop.create_task(perform_message(x,y,z)) … As per the loop documentation, starting Python 3.10, asyncio.get_event_loop() is deprecated. If you’re trying to get a loop instance from a coroutine/callback, you should use asyncio.get_running_loop() instead. This method will not work if called from the … Read more

How can I call an async function without await?

One way would be to use create_task function: import asyncio async def handler_message(request): … loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() loop.create_task(perform_message(x,y,z)) … As per the loop documentation, starting Python 3.10, asyncio.get_event_loop() is deprecated. If you’re trying to get a loop instance from a coroutine/callback, you should use asyncio.get_running_loop() instead. This method will not work if called from the … Read more

How to combine python asyncio with threads?

It’s pretty simple to delegate a method to a thread or sub-process using BaseEventLoop.run_in_executor: import asyncio import time from concurrent.futures import ProcessPoolExecutor def cpu_bound_operation(x): time.sleep(x) # This is some operation that is CPU-bound @asyncio.coroutine def main(): # Run cpu_bound_operation in the ProcessPoolExecutor # This will make your coroutine block, but won’t block # the event … Read more

How could I use requests in asyncio?

To use requests (or any other blocking libraries) with asyncio, you can use BaseEventLoop.run_in_executor to run a function in another thread and yield from it to get the result. For example: import asyncio import requests @asyncio.coroutine def main(): loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() future1 = loop.run_in_executor(None, requests.get, ‘’) future2 = loop.run_in_executor(None, requests.get, ‘’) response1 = yield from … Read more