For Horizontal layout of labels…
One choice is to use the columns property on the report or body elements.
This doesn’t always display correctly On reportviewer. I’ve noticed that even if it displays correctly on your IDE and when you export to PDF. In the report viewer it will display only one column. Also it snakes the labels top to bottom then left to right.
One choice is to use a matrix and group on every 3 rows (if you want 3 columns).
This one is a little complicated.
My solution of choice is to put 3 vertical lists on the page. put the same label in each list. Return the row number in your dataset. Then just filter each list on modulo 3
For example
Result set
RIndex Fname
1 abe
2 burt
3 fred
4 george
Filter expressions
list 1 -> =Fields!RIndex.Value mod 3 = =1
list 2 -> =Fields!RIndex.Value mod 3 = =2
list 3 -> =Fields!RIndex.Value mod 3 = =0
Abe Burt Fred