Sinon error Attempted to wrap function which is already wrapped

You should restore the getObj in after() function, please try it as below.

describe('App Functions', function(){
    var mockObj;
    before(function () {
            mockObj = sinon.stub(testApp, 'getObj', () => {
                 console.log('this is sinon test 1111');

    after(function () {
        testApp.getObj.restore(); // Unwraps the spy

    it('get results',function(done) {

describe('App Errors', function(){
    var mockObj;
    before(function () {
            mockObj = sinon.stub(testApp, 'getObj', () => {
                 console.log('this is sinon test 1111');

    after( function () {
        testApp.getObj.restore(); // Unwraps the spy

    it('throws errors',function(done) {

Update 2022/01/22

Using sinon’s sanbox you could created stub mocks with sandbox.stub() and restores all fakes created through sandbox.restore(), Arjun Malik give an good example

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