Yes it can be done this way with the help of Formspree.
HTML forms
Just send your form to our URL and we’ll forward it to your email. No PHP, Javascript or sign up required — perfect for static sites!You just need to open your text editor, and paste the following code:
<form action=""><input type="email" name="_replyto"><textarea name="body"></textarea><input type="submit" value="Send"></form>
That’s it, your form already works! It will post the form onto an external domain,, and send you an email with all the form content. No database. And you can just hit reply in your mailbox to continue the conversation with your visitor.
This tool was built by the guys from Brace, then open-sourced and hosted by Assembly.
Setting it up is easy and free. Here’s how:
You don’t even have to register.
- Setup the HTML form
Change your form’s action-attribute to this and replace
with your own email.
- Submit the form and confirm your email address
Go to your website and submit the form once. This will send you an
email asking to confirm your email address, so that no one can start
sending you spam from random websites.
- All set, receive emails
From now on, when someone submits that form, we’ll forward you the
data as email.