Selenium WebDriver: clicking on elements within an SVG using XPath

For anyone interested, I solved this in the following ways:

1) I was originally testing this on OSX with Firefox 17 and Selenium 2.28/29, but figured out it only works (at least for me) on Windows with Firefox 18 and Selenium 2.29

2) interacting with SVGs with the standard:

driver.findElement(By.xpath(YOUR XPATH)).click();

doesn’t work. You need to use Actions.

3) to interact with SVG objects, the following XPath works:

"/*[name()='svg']/*[name()='SVG OBJECT']";

The SVG object being anything under the SVG element (e.g. circle, rect, text, etc).

An example of clicking an SVG object:

WebElement svgObject = driver.findElement(By.xpath(YOUR XPATH));
Actions builder = new Actions(driver);;

Note: you need to call the path inside the click() function; using:

moveToElement(YOUR XPATH).click().build().perform();

doesn’t work.

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