Selenium Expected Conditions – possible to use ‘or’?

I did it like this:

class AnyEc:
    """ Use with WebDriverWait to combine expected_conditions
        in an OR.
    def __init__(self, *args):
        self.ecs = args
    def __call__(self, driver):
        for fn in self.ecs:
                res = fn(driver)
                if res:
                    return True
                    # Or return res if you need the element found

Then call it like…

from import expected_conditions as EC
# ...
WebDriverWait(driver, 10).until( AnyEc(
         (By.CSS_SELECTOR, "div.some_result")),
         (By.CSS_SELECTOR, "div.no_result")) ))

Obviously it would be trivial to also implement an AllEc class likewise.

Nb. the try: block is odd. I was confused because some ECs return true/false while others will throw NoSuchElementException for False. The Exceptions are caught by WebDriverWait so my AnyEc thing was producing odd results because the first one to throw an exception meant AnyEc didn’t proceed to the next test.

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