Option 1: syslog + logrotate
You can configure rails, to use the systems log tools.
An example in config/environments/production.rb.
# Use a different logger for distributed setups
config.logger = SyslogLogger.new
That way, you log to syslog, and can use default logrotate tools to rotate the logs.
Option 2: normal Rails logs + logrotate
Another option is to simply configure logrotate to pick up the logs left by rails.
On Ubuntu and Debian that would be, for example, in a file called /etc/logrotate.d/rails_example_com
/path/to/rails.example.com/tmp/log/*.log {
rotate 52
As per suggestions below, in Rails it is advised to use copytruncate
, to avoid having to restart the Rails app.
Edit: removed “sharedscripts/endscript” since they are not used here and cause problems according to comment. And removed create 640 root adm
as per comment suggested.