Ruby : How to write a gem? [closed]’s Guides is one of the best resources for writing your own gem.

If you’re using Bundler in your app, you might want to look at Ryan Bigg’s guide to Developing a RubyGem using Bundler and the Railscast on creating gems with Bundler.

If you’re interested in tools to help you write gems:

  • Jeweler – Opinionated tool for creating and managing Rubygem projects. There’s also a Gemcutter and Jeweler Railscast.
  • Hoe – From the guys at seattlrb.
  • gem-this adds a bunch of helpful rake tasks.

Some tutorials/guides:

  • Creating Your First Gem
  • Using bundler and rvm to build a rubygem – Using bundler and rvm to create a gem
  • Gem Packaging: Best Practices
  • Ruby Gem Recipe – Intro guide to creating a gem using bundler and jeweler
  • How to build a ruby gem and host it on gemcutter – tutorial using echoe and gemcutter
  • The Truth About Gemspecs – goes over gemspecs and tips for dealing with them
  • Packaging with RubyGems – a quickstart guide for Jeweler
  • gem that – James Adam – reviews tools that help build gems (hoe, newgem, echoe, gemhub, jeweler, gem this)
  • Using Gemcutter’s Api from the Commandline
  • New Gem with Bundler – Sample Rakefile – Useful rakefile for deploying and publishing a gem
  • Let’s Write a Gem
  • How To Build A Ruby Gem With Bundler, Test-Driven Development, Travis CI And Coveralls, Oh My!

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