Return rows matching elements of input array in plpgsql function

This works:

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION avg_purchases(last_names text[] = '{}')
  RETURNS TABLE(last_name text, avg_purchase_size float8)
SELECT last_name, avg(purchase_size)::float8
FROM   purchases
WHERE  last_name = ANY($1)
GROUP  BY last_name


SELECT * FROM avg_purchases('{foo,Bar,baz,"}weird_name''$$"}');

Or (example with dollar-quoting):

SELECT * FROM avg_purchases($x${foo,Bar,baz,"}weird_name'$$"}$x$);

How to quote string literals:

  • Insert text with single quotes in PostgreSQL

You don’t need dynamic SQL here.

While you can wrap it into a plpgsql function (which may be useful), a simple SQL function is doing the basic job just fine.

You had type mismatches:

  • The result of avg() may be numeric to hold a precise result. A cast to float8 (alias for double precision) makes it work. For perfect precision, use numeric instead.

  • The OUT parameter last_name must be text instead of text[].


An array is a useful type of input. If it’s easier for your client you can also use a VARIADIC input parameter that allows to pass the array as a list of elements:

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION avg_purchases(VARIADIC last_names text[] = '{}')
  RETURNS TABLE(last_name text, avg_purchase_size float8)
SELECT last_name, avg(purchase_size)::float8
FROM   purchases
JOIN  (SELECT unnest($1)) t(last_name) USING (last_name)


SELECT * FROM avg_purchases('foo', 'Bar', 'baz', '"}weird_name''$$"}');

Or (with dollar-quoting):

SELECT * FROM avg_purchases('foo', 'Bar', 'baz', $y$'"}weird_name'$$"}$y$);

Stock Postgres only allows a maximum of 100 elements. This is determined at compile time by the preset option:

max_function_args (integer)

Reports the maximum number of function arguments. It is determined by the value of FUNC_MAX_ARGS when building the server. The default value is 100 arguments.

You can still call it with array notation when prefixed with the keyword VARIADIC:

SELECT * FROM avg_purchases(VARIADIC '{1,2,3, ... 99,100,101}');

For bigger arrays (100+), consider unnest() in a subquery and JOIN to it, tends to scale better:

  • Optimizing a Postgres query with a large IN

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