QR Code possible data types or standards

Basically your text information has to be identifiable for what it is:

There is a very good summary here.

  1. Contact data – use MeCard, or vCard (much more verbose), e.g.: MECARD:Surname, First;ADR:123 Some St., Town, Zip Code, Country;EMAIL:some_name@some_ip.com;TEL:+11800123123;BDAY:19550231;;

  2. Calendar data – There are two formats about iCalendar (.ics) & vCalendar (.vcs). These formats can also include location, alarm, to-do items, etc. Note that these are both verbose formats and you may be better off using a short URL to an online file in the file format but the person scanning needs to have internet connectivity and be willing to trust the QR code not to be doing anything bad. Linda70th

  3. URL: Start your url with the standard format specifier such as http://, e.g.: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/19900835/qr-code-possible-data-types-or-standards

  4. Email address – Start with mailto:SomeOne@SomeWhere.org gives:
    Example Mail To

  5. Phone number – Start with tel: e.g. tel:+1-212-555-1212 gives:
    Example Tel No

  6. SMS – See the RFC 5724.

  7. Plain text – Just include the text.
    Example Text

  8. Geo location – Use the geo:lat,long,alt format URI: geo:40.71872,-73.98905,100 (100 feet above Googles offices) gives:
    Example Geolocation

  9. WIFI – (ssid is ‘abc’ and password is ‘1234’). For WEP encryption: WIFI:S:abc;T:WEP;P:1234;;. For WPA/WPA2: WIFI:S:abc;T:WPA;P:1234;;. Without encryption: WIFI:S:abc;T:nopass;P:1234;;. Example WIFI NoPass

All the above example were generated with the Python qrcode package from the command line.

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