Could you not just use the same query client-side when you want to look at the items?
In a lib directory:
enabledItems = function() {
return Items.find({enabled: true});
processedItems = function() {
return Items.find({processed: true});
On the server:
Meteor.publish('enabled_items', function() {
return enabledItems();
Meteor.publish('processed_items', function() {
return processedItems();
On the client
Template.enabledItems.items = function() {
return enabledItems();
Template.processedItems.items = function() {
return processedItems();
If you think about it, it is better this way as if you insert (locally) an item which is both enabled and processed, it can appear in both lists (a opposed to if you had two separate collections).
I realised I was kind of unclear, so I’ve expanded this a little, hope it helps.