Port forwarding in docker-machine?

You can still access the VBoxmanage.exe command from the VirtualBox used by docker machine:

VBoxManage controlvm "boot2docker-vm" natpf1 "tcp-port27017,tcp,,27017,,27017";
  • Use docker-machine info to get the name of your vm.
  • use modifyvm if the vm isn’t started yet.

See a practical example in this answer.

That is the current workaround, pending the possibility to pass argument to docker-machine ssh: see issue 691.

The other workaround is to not forward port, and use directly the IP of the VM:

 $(docker-machine ip default)

As commented by sdc:

You can confirm that port forwarding is set up correctly with

 VBoxManage showvminfo boot2docker-vm | grep "NIC.* Rule" 

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