I checked on internet for various polygon area formulas(or code) but did not find any one good or easy to implement.
Now I have written the code snippet to calculate area of a polygon drawn on earth surface. The polygon can have n vertices with each vertex has having its own latitude longitude.
Few Important Points
- The array input to this function will have “n + 1” elements. The last element will have same values as that of first one.
- I have written very basic C# code, so that guys can also adapt it in other language.
- 6378137 is the value of earth radius in metres.
The output area will have unit of square metres
private static double CalculatePolygonArea(IList<MapPoint> coordinates) { double area = 0; if (coordinates.Count > 2) { for (var i = 0; i < coordinates.Count - 1; i++) { MapPoint p1 = coordinates[i]; MapPoint p2 = coordinates[i + 1]; area += ConvertToRadian(p2.Longitude - p1.Longitude) * (2 + Math.Sin(ConvertToRadian(p1.Latitude)) + Math.Sin(ConvertToRadian(p2.Latitude))); } area = area * 6378137 * 6378137 / 2; } return Math.Abs(area); } private static double ConvertToRadian(double input) { return input * Math.PI / 180; }