Your logic is almost correct, however i approached your problem through a slightly different approach:
1) Sort the column, make sure that all the values are grouped together.
2) Reset the index (using reset_index() and maybe pass the arg drop=True).
3) Then we have to capture the rows where the value is new. For that purpose create a list and add the first row 1 because we will start for sure from there.
4) Then start iterating over the rows of that list and check some conditions:
4a) If we only have one row with a value the merge_range method will give an error because it can not merge one cell. In that case we need to replace the merge_range with the write method.
4b) With this algorithm you ‘ll get an index error when trying to write the last value of the list (because it is comparing it with the value in the next index postion, and because it is the last value of the list there is not a next index position). So we need to specifically mention that if we get an index error (which means we are checking the last value) we want to merge or write until the last row of the dataframe.
4c) Finally i did not take into consideration if the column contains blank or null cells. In that case code needs to be adjusted.
Lastly code might look a bit confusing, you have to take in mind that the 1st row for pandas is 0 indexed (headers are separate) while for xlsxwriter headers are 0 indexed and the first row is indexed 1.
Here is a working example to achieve exactly what you want to do:
import pandas as pd
# Create a test df
df = pd.DataFrame({'Name': ['Tesla','Tesla','Toyota','Ford','Ford','Ford'],
'Type': ['Model X','Model Y','Corolla','Bronco','Fiesta','Mustang']})
# Create the list where we 'll capture the cells that appear for 1st time,
# add the 1st row and we start checking from 2nd row until end of df
startCells = [1]
for row in range(2,len(df)+1):
if (df.loc[row-1,'Name'] != df.loc[row-2,'Name']):
writer = pd.ExcelWriter('test.xlsx', engine="xlsxwriter")
df.to_excel(writer, sheet_name="Sheet1", index=False)
workbook =
worksheet = writer.sheets['Sheet1']
merge_format = workbook.add_format({'align': 'center', 'valign': 'vcenter', 'border': 2})
lastRow = len(df)
for row in startCells:
endRow = startCells[startCells.index(row)+1]-1
if row == endRow:
worksheet.write(row, 0, df.loc[row-1,'Name'], merge_format)
worksheet.merge_range(row, 0, endRow, 0, df.loc[row-1,'Name'], merge_format)
except IndexError:
if row == lastRow:
worksheet.write(row, 0, df.loc[row-1,'Name'], merge_format)
worksheet.merge_range(row, 0, lastRow, 0, df.loc[row-1,'Name'], merge_format)