Listen to volume buttons in background service?

It is possible. Use code below (for newer Android versions, especially Marshmallow, see bottom of the answer):

public class SettingsContentObserver extends ContentObserver {
    int previousVolume;
    Context context;

    public SettingsContentObserver(Context c, Handler handler) {

        AudioManager audio = (AudioManager) context.getSystemService(Context.AUDIO_SERVICE);
        previousVolume = audio.getStreamVolume(AudioManager.STREAM_MUSIC);

    public boolean deliverSelfNotifications() {
        return super.deliverSelfNotifications();

    public void onChange(boolean selfChange) {

        AudioManager audio = (AudioManager) context.getSystemService(Context.AUDIO_SERVICE);
        int currentVolume = audio.getStreamVolume(AudioManager.STREAM_MUSIC);

        int delta=previousVolume-currentVolume;

            Logger.d("Ściszył!"); // volume decreased.
        else if(delta<0)
            Logger.d("Zrobił głośniej!"); // volume increased.

Then in your service onCreate register it with:

mSettingsContentObserver = new SettingsContentObserver(this,new Handler());
getApplicationContext().getContentResolver().registerContentObserver(android.provider.Settings.System.CONTENT_URI, true, mSettingsContentObserver );

Then unregister in onDestroy:


Note that this example judges by change of media volume, if you want to use other volume, change it!


Above method supposedly doesn’t work on Marshmallow, BUT there’s much better way now since MediaSession was introduced! So first you have to migrate your code to MediaController/MediaSession pattern and then use this code:

private VolumeProviderCompat myVolumeProvider = null;

myVolumeProvider = new VolumeProviderCompat(VolumeProviderCompat.VOLUME_CONTROL_RELATIVE, maxVolume, currentVolume) {
    public void onAdjustVolume(int direction) {
        // <0 volume down
        // >0 volume up



Somehow volume button presses are detected even with screen off (just be sure to register proper media button intent receiver if applicable for your platform!)

UPDATE 2 since GalDude requested some more info on getting media MediaSession/MediaController. Sorry, but since I stopped using Java it will be in Kotlin:

lateinit var mediaSession: MediaSessionCompat // you have to initialize it in your onCreate method
val kontroler: MediaControllerCompat
 get() = mediaSession.controller // in Java it's just getController() on mediaSession

// in your onCreate/start method:
mediaSession = MediaSessionCompat(this, "YourPlayerName", receiver, null)
mediaSession.setFlags(MediaSessionCompat.FLAG_HANDLES_MEDIA_BUTTONS or MediaSessionCompat.FLAG_HANDLES_TRANSPORT_CONTROLS)
mediaSession.isActive = true
if (ratingIsWorking) // note: rating crashes on some machines you have to check it!

mediaSession.setCallback(object : MediaSessionCompat.Callback() {
// here you have to implement what happens with your player when play/pause/stop/ffw etc. is requested - see exaples elsewhere

// onDestroy/exit method:
mediaSession.isActive = false

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