There are a number of limitations, notably:
- Constrained to a single CPU (in 2012, this limitation has been changed to “The lesser of one socket or four cores”, so multi-threading is possible)
- 1GB RAM (Same in 2008/2012)
- 4GB database size (raised to 10GB in SQL 2008 R2 and SQL 2012) per database
With regards to the number of databases, this MSDN article says there’s no limit:
The 4 GB database size limit applies
only to data files and not to log
files. However, there are no limits to
the number of databases that can be
attached to the server.
However, as mentioned in the comments and above, the database size limit was raised to 10GB in 2008 R2 and 2012. Also, this 10GB limit only applies to relational data, and Filestream data does not count towards this limit (