You can follow the recommendation in PEP 3101 and use a subclass Formatter:
import string
class BlankFormatter(string.Formatter):
def __init__(self, default=""):
def get_value(self, key, args, kwds):
if isinstance(key, str):
return kwds.get(key, self.default)
return string.Formatter.get_value(key, args, kwds)
kwargs = {"name": "mark", "adj": "mad"}
print fmt.format("My name is {name} and I'm really {adj}.", **kwargs)
# My name is mark and I'm really mad.
print fmt.format("My name is {name} and I'm really {adjective}.", **kwargs)
# My name is mark and I'm really .
As of Python 3.2, you can use .format_map as an alternative:
class Default(dict):
def __missing__(self, key):
return '{'+key+'}'
kwargs = {"name": "mark"}
print("My name is {name} and I'm really {adjective}.".format_map(Default(kwargs)))
which prints:
My name is mark and I'm really {adjective}.