JQuery Animate Background Image on Y-axis

Positioning the background via separate background-position-x/y is a feature that Internet Explorer introduced but never made it into a W3C specification. Any recommendations to add it to the spec have since been denied.


You can always create your own little plugin, it’s not that hard.

Using jQuery 1.8 we now have access to the $.Animation method that gives us the animated values directly without to much work, so we can do something like :

$.fn.animateBG = function(x, y, speed) {
    var pos = this.css('background-position').split(' ');
    this.x = pos[0] || 0,
    this.y = pos[1] || 0;
    $.Animation( this, {
        x: x,
        y: y
      }, { 
        duration: speed
      }).progress(function(e) {
          this.css('background-position', e.tweens[0].now+'px '+e.tweens[1].now+'px');
    return this;

And then to use it we can do:

$("#background").animateBG(x-value, y-value, speed);​


This is something I whipped up for another answer some days ago, and only works with pixels and does have some limitations, but it’s simple and should work for most cases.

I guess something like this would do what you want:

       .css('background-position', '0 19px');
       .animateBG(0, 0, 1000);​

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