Is there a regex flavor that allows me to count the number of repetitions matched by the * and + operators?

You’re fortunate because in fact .NET regex does this (which I think is quite unique). Essentially in every Match, each Group stores every Captures that was made.

So you can count how many times a repeatable pattern matched an input by:

  • Making it a capturing group
  • Counting how many captures were made by that group in each match
    • You can iterate through individual capture too if you want!

Here’s an example:

Regex r = new Regex(@"\b(hu?a)+\b");

var text = "hahahaha that's funny but not huahuahua more like huahahahuaha";
foreach (Match m in r.Matches(text)) {
   Console.WriteLine(m + " " + m.Groups[1].Captures.Count);

This prints (as seen on

hahahaha 4
huahuahua 3
huahahahuaha 5

API references

  • CaptureCollection

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