iPhone GPS in background never resumes after pause

If you search for pausesLocationUpdatesAutomatically on the Apple forums you’ll find a recent question along similar lines which has had a response from an Apple developer. I won’t repost it directly here since it is a private forum, but the gist is that the location pausing is for instances when the user forgets that they have got a location aware app running and have stopped using it. By pausing updates their battery won’t be drained as quickly. Unfortunately it’s not possible to know whether new movement is them resuming the activity or doing something else, so updates don’t resume until the app comes back to the foreground. Their suggestion is to catch the pause call and get the user’s attention somehow to get them to open the app if they still want updates.


From Apple’s own documentation of pausesLocationUpdatesAutomatically. They suggest:

After a pause occurs, it is your responsibility to restart location services again when you determine that they are needed. Core Location calls the locationManagerDidPauseLocationUpdates(_:)
method of your location manager’s delegate to let you know that a
pause has occurred. In that method, you might configure a local
notification whose trigger is of type UNLocationNotificationTrigger
and is set to notify when the user exits the current region. The
message for the local notification should prompt the user to launch
your app again so that it can resume updates.

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