How to watch store values from vuex?

Let’s say, for example, that you have a basket of fruits,
and each time you add or remove a fruit from the basket, you
want to (1) display info about fruit count, but you also (2) want to be notified of the count of the fruits in some fancy fashion…


  <!-- We meet our first objective (1) by simply -->
  <!-- binding to the count property. -->
  <p>Fruits: {{ count }}</p>

import basket from '../resources/fruit-basket'

export default () {
  computed: {
    count () {
      return basket.state.fruits.length
      // Or return basket.getters.fruitsCount
      // (depends on your design decisions).
  watch: {
    count (newCount, oldCount) {
      // Our fancy notification (2).
      console.log(`We have ${newCount} fruits now, yay!`)

Please note, that the name of the function in the watch object, must match the name of the function in the computed object. In the example above the name is count.

New and old values of a watched property will be passed into watch callback (the count function) as parameters.

The basket store could look like this:


import Vue from 'vue'
import Vuex from 'vuex'


const basket = new Vuex.Store({
  state: {
    fruits: []
  getters: {
    fruitsCount (state) {
      return state.fruits.length
  // Obviously you would need some mutations and actions,
  // but to make example cleaner I'll skip this part.

export default basket

You can read more in the following resources:

  • Computed properties and watchers
  • API docs: computed
  • API docs: watch

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