How to use a specific tag/version with composer and a private git repository?

How to require a specific Git tag?

Change the version requirement to dev-master, followed by a hash # and the Git tag name, e.g. v0.5.0, like so:

"require": {
    "vendor/package": "dev-master#v0.5.0"

How to require a specific Git commit?

Change the version requirement to dev-master, followed by a hash # and the Git commit reference, e.g. dd6ed3c8, like so:

"require": {
    "vendor/package": "dev-master#dd6ed3c8"


Define your own package and set version and reference

An alternative to working with repositories of "type": "vcs" is to define a custom package "type": "package" inside repositories and work with a reference.

The reference is either a Git commit hash, or a tag or branch name, like origin/master.

This will tie the version to a specific commit reference, in this case dd6ed3c8.

"repositories": [
  # ...
    "type": "package",
    "package": {
      "name": "vendor/package",
      "version": "v0.5.0",
      "source": {
        "url": "",
        "type": "git",
        "reference": "dd6ed3c8"

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