How to do a Mongo aggregation query in Spring Data?

Although this is old thread, but I hope whoever found this thread can now safely for doing multi stage/pipeline aggregation(not quite sure what it’s call) in MongoRepository.
As I’m also struggling looking for clue and example of aggregation in mongo repository without mongo template.

But now, I’m able to do the Aggregation pipeline as per spring doc said in here

My aggregation looks like this in mongoshell:

    {$project: {
        month: {$month: '$poDate'},
        year: {$year: '$poDate'},
        amount: 1,
        poDate: 1
      {$match: {$and : [{year:2020} , {month:7}] 
      {$group: { 
          '_id': {
            month: {$month: '$poDate'},
            year: {$year: '$poDate'} 
          totalPrice: {$sum: {$toDecimal:'$amount'}},
    {$project: {
        _id: 0,
        totalPrice: {$toString: '$totalPrice'}

While I transform it into @Aggregation annotation in MongoRepository become like this below (I’m removing the aposthrephe and also replace with method params):

public interface SalesPoRepository extends MongoRepository<SalesPo, String> {

@Aggregation(pipeline = {"{$project: {\n" +
        "        month: {$month: $poDate},\n" +
        "        year: {$year: $poDate},\n" +
        "        amount: 1,\n" +
        "        poDate: 1\n" +
        "     }}"
        ,"{$match: {$and : [{year:?0} , {month:?1}] \n" +
        "     }}"
        ,"{$group: { \n" +
        "          '_id': {\n" +
        "            month: {$month: $poDate},\n" +
        "            year: {$year: $poDate} \n" +
        "          },\n" +
        "          totalPrice: {$sum: {$toDecimal:$amount}},\n" +
        "          }\n" +
        "      }"
    ,"{$project: {\n" +
        "        _id: 0,\n" +
        "        totalPrice: {$toString: $totalPrice}\n" +
        "     }}"})
    AggregationResults<SumPrice> sumPriceThisYearMonth(Integer year, Integer month);

My Document looks like this:

@Document(collection = "SalesPo")
public class SalesPo {
  private String id;
  @JsonSerialize(using = LocalDateSerializer.class)
  private LocalDate poDate;
  private BigDecimal amount;

And the SumPrice class for hold the projections:

public class SumPrice {
  private BigDecimal totalPrice;

I hope this answer can help whoever try to do aggregation in mongorepository without using mongotemplate.

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