How to call external url in jquery?

All of these answers are wrong!

Like I said in my comment, the reason you’re getting that error because the URL fails the “Same origin policy”, but you can still us the AJAX function to hit another domain, see Nick Cravers answer on this similar question:

You need to trigger JSONP behavior
with $.getJSON() by adding &callback=?
on the querystring, like this:

function(data) {

You can test it here.

Without using JSONP you’re hitting the
same-origin policy which is blocking
the XmlHttpRequest from getting any
data back.

With this in mind, the follow code should work:

var fbURL="";

    url: fbURL+"&callback=?",
    data: "message="+commentdata,
    type: 'POST',
    success: function (resp) {
    error: function(e) {
        alert('Error: '+e);

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