How does Java expression language resolve boolean attributes? (in JSF 1.2)

It’s authoritatively documented in both the JavaBeans Spec and EL Specification.

To take the boolean property as an example, it’s described in chapter 8.3.2 of JavaBeans spec:

8.3.2 Boolean properties

In addition, for boolean properties, we allow a getter method to match the pattern:

public boolean is<PropertyName>();

This “is<PropertyName>” method may be provided instead of a “get<PropertyName>” method,
or it may be provided in addition to a “get<PropertyName>” method.

In either case, if the “is<PropertyName>” method is present for a boolean property then we will
use the “is<PropertyName>” method to read the property value.

An example boolean property might be:

    public boolean isMarsupial();
    public void setMarsupial(boolean m);

So, #{bean.marsupial} expects exactly the above getter/setter pair.

And in chapter 1.23.5 of EL spec:

1.23.5 Coerce A to Boolean or boolean

  • If A is null and the target type is not the primitive type boolean, return null
  • If A is null or "", return false
  • Otherwise, if A is a Boolean, return A
  • Otherwise, if A is a String, and Boolean.valueOf(A) does not throw an
    exception, return it
  • Otherwise, error

See also:

  • javax.el.PropertyNotFoundException: Property ‘foo’ not readable on type java.lang.Boolean
  • Java: how to name boolean properties

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