How do I truly reset every setting in Visual Studio 2012?

Visual Studio has multiple flags to reset various settings:

  • /ResetUserData – (AFAICT) Removes all user settings and makes you set them again. This will get you the initial prompt for settings again, clear your recent project history, etc.
  • /ResetSettings – Restores the IDE’s default settings, optionally resets to the specified VSSettings file.
  • /ResetSkipPkgs – Clears all SkipLoading tags added to VSPackages.
  • /ResetAddin – Removes commands and command UI associated with the specified Add-in.

The last three show up when running devenv.exe /?. The first one seems to be undocumented/unsupported/the big hammer. From here:

Disclaimer: you will lose all your environment settings and customizations if you use this switch. It is for this reason that this switch is not officially supported and Microsoft does not advertise this switch to the public (you won’t see this switch if you type devenv.exe /? in the command prompt). You should only use this switch as the last resort if you are experiencing an environment problem, and make sure you back up your environment settings by exporting them before using this switch.

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