How do I .decode(‘string-escape’) in Python 3?

You’ll have to use unicode_escape instead:

>>> b"\\123omething special".decode('unicode_escape')

If you start with a str object instead (equivalent to the python 2.7 unicode) you’ll need to encode to bytes first, then decode with unicode_escape.

If you need bytes as end result, you’ll have to encode again to a suitable encoding (.encode('latin1') for example, if you need to preserve literal byte values; the first 256 Unicode code points map 1-on-1).

Your example is actually UTF-16 data with escapes. Decode from unicode_escape, back to latin1 to preserve the bytes, then from utf-16-le (UTF 16 little endian without BOM):

>>> value = b's\\000u\\000p\\000p\\000o\\000r\\000t\\000@\\000p\\000s\\000i\\000l\\000o\\000c\\000.\\000c\\000o\\000m\\000'
>>> value.decode('unicode_escape').encode('latin1')  # convert to bytes
>>> _.decode('utf-16-le') # decode from UTF-16-LE

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