How can I update npm on Windows?

Note: The question is specifically asking how to upgrade npm, not Node.js. If you want to update Node.js over a CLI on windows, I recommend using chocolatey for that.

What method should I choose to update NPM?

  • Node.js v16 or higher?
    • npm install -g npm
  • Node.js v14 or below?
    • Consider updating to latest LTS release of Node.js
    • npm-windows-upgrade

Upgrade with npm-windows-upgrade

Run PowerShell as Administrator

Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Scope CurrentUser -Force
npm install -g npm-windows-upgrade

Note: if you run the Node.js installer, it will replace the Node.js version.

  • Upgrades npm in-place, where Node.js installed it.
  • Does not modify the default path.
  • Does not change the default global package location.
  • Allows easy upgrades and downgrades and to install a specific version.
  • A list of versions matched between NPM and Node.js ( – but you will need to download the Node.js installer and run that to update Node.js (

Upgrade with npm

npm install -g npm

Note: some users still report issues updating npm with npm, but I haven’t had that experience with v16+.

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