This error is caused by the block replication system of HDFS since it could not manage to make any copies of a specific block within the focused file. Common reasons of that:
- Only a NameNode instance is running and it’s not in safe-mode
- There is no DataNode instances up and running, or some are dead. (Check the servers)
- Namenode and Datanode instances are both running, but they cannot communicate with each other, which means There is connectivity issue between DataNode and NameNode instances.
- Running DataNode instances are not able to talk to the server because of some networking of hadoop-based issues (check logs that include datanode info)
- There is no hard disk space specified in configured data directories for DataNode instances or DataNode instances have run out of space. (check // delete old files if any)
- Specified reserved spaces for DataNode instances in dfs.datanode.du.reserved is more than the free space which makes DataNode instances to understand there is no enough free space.
- There is no enough threads for DataNode instances (check datanode logs and dfs.datanode.handler.count value)
- Make sure is not equal to “authentication” and is equal to true.
Also please:
- Verify the status of NameNode and DataNode services and check the related logs
- Verify if core-site.xml has correct fs.defaultFS value and hdfs-site.xml has a valid value.
- Verify hdfs-site.xml has dfs.namenode.http-address.. for all NameNode instances specified in case of PHD HA configuration.
- Verify if the permissions on the directories are correct
Also, please check: Writing to HDFS from Java, getting “could only be replicated to 0 nodes instead of minReplication”