Gmail blocking small embedded inline images in email template

Google refuses to show images with data url in Gmail’s web interface. It’s a known problem (in Google’s view a security measure) for a long time highly criticized.

The good news is that you have another option except for using external images.

Using an inline attachment with a Content-ID works with Gmail.

After adding your images as inline attachments you’ll need to point CID URLs instead of Data URLs in the html body.

There are plenty of modern libraries that will allow you to send emails with inline attachments easily. But I wrote a sample script in VBScript with CDO library, ready to use if you have a box Windows 2000+ installed.

Let’s prepare the test environment.

Put the files in a directory as in the screenshot below.

enter image description here

tpl.html is the template file you gave. You’ll need to make some changes in this file.

Replace both img elements with the following respectively. Note that data urls gone. image1 and image2 are the Content IDs specified for each inline attachments in the script. Nothing associated with file names here.

<img src="cid:image1" alt="SpaceImage" title="Space Image" style="display: block" width="225" height="126" />
<img src="cid:image2" alt="HostImage" title="Host Image" style="display: block" width="225" height="225" />


MsgBox "Wait while your email is being sent.", vbOKOnly Or vbInformation

'************ CONFIGURATION *************
Const smtpUsername = "..."
Const smtpPassword = "..."
Const smtpHost = ""
Const smtpPort = 587
Const senderEmail = "...@..."
Const recipientEmail = ""
'************ CONFIGURATION *************

Const cdoRefTypeId = 0

Set Fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

Set objMail = CreateObject("CDO.Message")
With objMail.Configuration
    .Fields("") = 1
    .Fields("") = smtpUsername
    .Fields("") = smtpPassword
    .Fields("") = smtpHost
    .Fields("")  = smtpPort
    .Fields("") = 2
    .Fields("") = 20 'secs
End With

With objMail
    .AutoGenerateTextBody = False
    .From = senderEmail
    .To = recipientEmail
    .Subject = "Inline Image Test"
    .BodyPart.ContentTransferEncoding = "quoted-printable"
    .BodyPart.Charset = "utf-8"
    ' Adding images as inline attachments with Content IDs which is used with image sources. e.g. <img src="cid:image1" .. >
    .AddRelatedBodyPart Fso.GetAbsolutePathName("image1.jpg"), "image1", cdoRefTypeId
    .AddRelatedBodyPart Fso.GetAbsolutePathName("image2.jpg"), "image2", cdoRefTypeId
    'append html body from file
    .HTMLBody = Fso.OpenTextFile("tpl.html").ReadAll
End With

MsgBox "Email successfully sent! Check your inbox.", vbOKOnly Or vbInformation

Double click and wait for instructions.

See also

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