Geo-Search (Distance) in PHP/MySQL (Performance)

Calculate a bounding box to select a subset of the rows in the WHERE clause of your SQL query, so that you’re only executing the expensive distance calculation on that subset of rows rather than against the entire 200k records in your table. The method is described in this article on Movable Type (with PHP code examples). Then you can include the Haversine calculation in your query against that subset to calculate the actual distances, and factor in the HAVING clause at that point.

It’s the bounding box that helps your performance, because it means you’re only doing the expensive distance calculation on a small subset of your data. This is effectively the same method that Patrick has suggested, but the Movable Type link has extensive explanations of the method, as well as PHP code that you can use to build the bounding box and your SQL query.


If you don’t think haversine is accurate enough, then there’s also the Vincenty formula.

//  Vincenty formula to calculate great circle distance between 2 locations expressed as Lat/Long in KM

function VincentyDistance($lat1,$lat2,$lon1,$lon2){
    $a = 6378137 - 21 * sin($lat1);
    $b = 6356752.3142;
    $f = 1/298.257223563;

    $p1_lat = $lat1/57.29577951;
    $p2_lat = $lat2/57.29577951;
    $p1_lon = $lon1/57.29577951;
    $p2_lon = $lon2/57.29577951;

    $L = $p2_lon - $p1_lon;

    $U1 = atan((1-$f) * tan($p1_lat));
    $U2 = atan((1-$f) * tan($p2_lat));

    $sinU1 = sin($U1);
    $cosU1 = cos($U1);
    $sinU2 = sin($U2);
    $cosU2 = cos($U2);

    $lambda = $L;
    $lambdaP = 2*M_PI;
    $iterLimit = 20;

    while(abs($lambda-$lambdaP) > 1e-12 && $iterLimit>0) {
        $sinLambda = sin($lambda);
        $cosLambda = cos($lambda);
        $sinSigma = sqrt(($cosU2*$sinLambda) * ($cosU2*$sinLambda) + ($cosU1*$sinU2-$sinU1*$cosU2*$cosLambda) * ($cosU1*$sinU2-$sinU1*$cosU2*$cosLambda));

        //if ($sinSigma==0){return 0;}  // co-incident points
        $cosSigma = $sinU1*$sinU2 + $cosU1*$cosU2*$cosLambda;
        $sigma = atan2($sinSigma, $cosSigma);
        $alpha = asin($cosU1 * $cosU2 * $sinLambda / $sinSigma);
        $cosSqAlpha = cos($alpha) * cos($alpha);
        $cos2SigmaM = $cosSigma - 2*$sinU1*$sinU2/$cosSqAlpha;
        $C = $f/16*$cosSqAlpha*(4+$f*(4-3*$cosSqAlpha));
        $lambdaP = $lambda;
        $lambda = $L + (1-$C) * $f * sin($alpha) * ($sigma + $C*$sinSigma*($cos2SigmaM+$C*$cosSigma*(-1+2*$cos2SigmaM*$cos2SigmaM)));

    $uSq = $cosSqAlpha*($a*$a-$b*$b)/($b*$b);
    $A = 1 + $uSq/16384*(4096+$uSq*(-768+$uSq*(320-175*$uSq)));
    $B = $uSq/1024 * (256+$uSq*(-128+$uSq*(74-47*$uSq)));

    $deltaSigma = $B*$sinSigma*($cos2SigmaM+$B/4*($cosSigma*(-1+2*$cos2SigmaM*$cos2SigmaM)- $B/6*$cos2SigmaM*(-3+4*$sinSigma*$sinSigma)*(-3+4*$cos2SigmaM*$cos2SigmaM)));

    $s = $b*$A*($sigma-$deltaSigma);
    return $s/1000;

echo VincentyDistance($lat1,$lat2,$lon1,$lon2);

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