General purpose FromEvent method

Here you go:

internal class TaskCompletionSourceHolder
    private readonly TaskCompletionSource<object[]> m_tcs;

    internal object Target { get; set; }
    internal EventInfo EventInfo { get; set; }
    internal Delegate Delegate { get; set; }

    internal TaskCompletionSourceHolder(TaskCompletionSource<object[]> tsc)
        m_tcs = tsc;

    private void SetResult(params object[] args)
        // this method will be called from emitted IL
        // so we can set result here, unsubscribe from the event
        // or do whatever we want.

        // object[] args will contain arguments
        // passed to the event handler
        EventInfo.RemoveEventHandler(Target, Delegate);

public static class ExtensionMethods
    private static Dictionary<Type, DynamicMethod> s_emittedHandlers =
        new Dictionary<Type, DynamicMethod>();

    private static void GetDelegateParameterAndReturnTypes(Type delegateType,
        out List<Type> parameterTypes, out Type returnType)
        if (delegateType.BaseType != typeof(MulticastDelegate))
            throw new ArgumentException("delegateType is not a delegate");

        MethodInfo invoke = delegateType.GetMethod("Invoke");
        if (invoke == null)
            throw new ArgumentException("delegateType is not a delegate.");

        ParameterInfo[] parameters = invoke.GetParameters();
        parameterTypes = new List<Type>(parameters.Length);
        for (int i = 0; i < parameters.Length; i++)

        returnType = invoke.ReturnType;

    public static Task<object[]> FromEvent<T>(this T obj, string eventName)
        var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource<object[]>();
        var tcsh = new TaskCompletionSourceHolder(tcs);

        EventInfo eventInfo = obj.GetType().GetEvent(eventName);
        Type eventDelegateType = eventInfo.EventHandlerType;

        DynamicMethod handler;
        if (!s_emittedHandlers.TryGetValue(eventDelegateType, out handler))
            Type returnType;
            List<Type> parameterTypes;
                out parameterTypes, out returnType);

            if (returnType != typeof(void))
                throw new NotSupportedException();

            Type tcshType = tcsh.GetType();
            MethodInfo setResultMethodInfo = tcshType.GetMethod(
                "SetResult", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance);

            // I'm going to create an instance-like method
            // so, first argument must an instance itself
            // i.e. TaskCompletionSourceHolder *this*
            parameterTypes.Insert(0, tcshType);
            Type[] parameterTypesAr = parameterTypes.ToArray();

            handler = new DynamicMethod("unnamed",
                returnType, parameterTypesAr, tcshType);

            ILGenerator ilgen = handler.GetILGenerator();

            // declare local variable of type object[]
            LocalBuilder arr = ilgen.DeclareLocal(typeof(object[]));
            // push array's size onto the stack 
            ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Ldc_I4, parameterTypesAr.Length - 1);
            // create an object array of the given size
            ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Newarr, typeof(object));
            // and store it in the local variable
            ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Stloc, arr);

            // iterate thru all arguments except the zero one (i.e. *this*)
            // and store them to the array
            for (int i = 1; i < parameterTypesAr.Length; i++)
                // push the array onto the stack
                ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Ldloc, arr);
                // push the argument's index onto the stack
                ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Ldc_I4, i - 1);
                // push the argument onto the stack
                ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Ldarg, i);

                // check if it is of a value type
                // and perform boxing if necessary
                if (parameterTypesAr[i].IsValueType)
                    ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Box, parameterTypesAr[i]);

                // store the value to the argument's array
                ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Stelem, typeof(object));

            // load zero-argument (i.e. *this*) onto the stack
            // load the array onto the stack
            ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Ldloc, arr);
            // call this.SetResult(arr);
            ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Call, setResultMethodInfo);
            // and return

            s_emittedHandlers.Add(eventDelegateType, handler);

        Delegate dEmitted = handler.CreateDelegate(eventDelegateType, tcsh);
        tcsh.Target = obj;
        tcsh.EventInfo = eventInfo;
        tcsh.Delegate = dEmitted;

        eventInfo.AddEventHandler(obj, dEmitted);
        return tcs.Task;

This code will work for almost all events that return void (regardless of the parameter list).

It can be improved to support any return values if necessary.

You can see the difference between Dax’s and mine methods below:

static async void Run() {
    object[] result = await new MyClass().FromEvent("Fired");
    Console.WriteLine(string.Join(", ", result.Select(arg =>
        arg.ToString()).ToArray())); // 123, abcd

public class MyClass {
    public delegate void TwoThings(int x, string y);

    public MyClass() {
        new Thread(() => {
                Fired(123, "abcd");

    public event TwoThings Fired;

Briefly, my code supports really any kind of delegate type. You shouldn’t (and don’t need to) specify it explicitly like TaskFromEvent<int, string>.

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