Find powers of 2 in a list Prolog

Here’s how you can find the “powers of two” in logically-pure way!

Using sicstus-prolog 4.3.5, library(reif) and library(clpz):

:- use_module([library(reif), library(clpz)]).

power_of_two_t(I, T) :-
   L #= min(I,1),
   M #= I /\ (I-1),
   call((L = 1, M = 0), T).      % using (=)/3 and (',')/3 of library(reif)

Sample query1 using meta-predicate tfilter/3 in combination with power_of_two_t/2:

?- tfilter(power_of_two_t, [0,2,3,-5,-2,1,8,7,4], Ps).
Ps = [2,1,8,4].                  % succeeds deterministically

Here’s a more general query suggested by a comment:

?- tfilter(power_of_two_t, [X], Ps).
   Ps = [X], 0#=X/\_A, _A+1#=X, X in 1..sup, _A in 0..sup
;  Ps = [], dif(_A,0), _A#=X/\_B, _B+1#=X, X in 1..sup, _B in 0..sup
;  Ps = [], dif(_A,1), _A#=min(X,1), _B#=X/\_C, _C+1#=X, X#>=_A, _A in inf..1.

Footnote 1: The answer sequences shown above were brushed up to indicate the determinism of calls.

Footnote 2: To reproduce the results use call_det/2 which is defined like this:

call_det(G_0, Det) :-
   call_cleanup(G_0, Flag = set),
   (  nonvar(Flag)
   -> Det = true
   ;  Det = false

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