EL proposals / autocomplete / code assist in Facelets with Eclipse

Eclipse doesn’t support this out the box. Even the support in JSP is very limited. Only the properties of <jsp:useBean> and managed beans hardcoded as <managed-bean> in faces-config.xml are available by autocomplete. There are however plugins which supports EL autocomplete on @ManagedBean and @Named beans.

For example, the JBoss Tools plugin (specifically the CDI feature) which can be installed as described here: How do I Install JBoss AS / WildFly Server in Eclipse for Java EE.

enter image description here

(which has in its current 3.2.0 version unicode bugs, as you see above in the rightmost window)

You can even use Ctrl+Click on the managed bean name #{bean} in an EL expression in Facelets file to navigate to the concrete backing bean class. You can also use Ctrl+Shift+G on the managed bean method in a backing bean class to find all references to the particular property or action in Facelets files.

The Aptana plugin is told to work fine for EL proposals in JSPs, but I am not sure for Facelets. I didn’t had good experiences with installing and configuring the plugin for JSP some years ago.

See also:

  • Properties of new tags using composite component are not displayed by Eclipse auto complete shortcurt

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