Difference between double and Double in comparison

c and d are technically two different objects and == operator compares only references.


is better as it compares values, not references. But still not ideal. Comparing floating-point values directly should always take some error (epsilon) into account (Math.abs(c - d) < epsilon).

Note that:

Integer c = 1;
Integer d = 1;

here comparison would yield true, but that’s more complicated (Integer internal caching, described in JavaDoc of Integer.valueOf()):

This method will always cache values in the range -128 to 127, inclusive, and may cache other values outside of this range.

Why valueOf()? Because this method is implicitly used to implement autoboxing:

Integer c = Integer.valueOf(1);
Integer d = Integer.valueOf(1);

See also

  • Weird Integer boxing in Java
  • How to properly compare two Integers in Java?

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