CSS: Width and Max-Width

From my understanding of the properties:

if width > max-width use max-width
if max-width > width use width

Therefore, using your example, this must mean that 1140px is strictly less than 98% at the screen resolution you are viewing at.

Shrink your browser screen and you will get different results.

It’s somewhat unrelated, but I’ve found max-width (and the corresponding property max-height) to be a problem with images in Internet Explorer, and found this to be helpful in coaxing it to use the correct values:

img {
    max-width: 150px;
    max-height: 120px;
    width: auto !important;
    height: auto !important;

Without the last two properties, most standard-compliant browsers correctly maintain aspect ratio, but Internet Explorer will not unless you do that.

Edit: It looks like I’ve said basically the same answer as everyone else.

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