Your problem stems from the fact that the base classes are poorly designed in the first place, in the following ways:
The hierarchy makes no sense. A behaviour is not a special kind of position. Prefer composition to inheritance.
Fields should never be public. Use properties, not fields.
“is” checks are runtime type checks; don’t do runtime type checks for polymorphic behaviour; use virtual methods.
Let’s redesign your hierarchy.
abstract class MyBehaviour
public Position Position { get; private set; }
public Handler Handler { get; private set; }
protected MyBehaviour(int x, int y, Handler handler) {
this.Position = new Position(x, y);
this.Handler = handler;
class Behaviour1 : MyBehaviour {
/* Whatever */
class Behaviour2 : MyBehaviour {
/* Whatever */
All right, and now when we want to execute the handler…
MyBehaviour b = whatever;
Done. No temporary variable needed. No runtime type check. No “if”. The behaviour provides a service; you use the service. You should not have to ask the behaviour its type in order to use the service it provides; if you do, something is probably wrong at the design level.