The usual commands are based on cleartool ls
ct lsprivate
: but it is only for dynamic views, not snapshot viewsct ls -rec -view_only
: at least, it works in both snapshot and dynamic views
However both list also your checked-out files.
If you want only the private files, ie skipping the hijacked/eclipsed/checked-out and symlinks, you need to filter those out.
In Windows, that would be:
for /F "usebackq delims=" %i in (`cleartool ls -rec ^| find /V "Rule:" ^| find /V "hijacked" ^| find /V "eclipsed" ^| find /V "-->"`) do @echo "%i"
In Unix:
cleartool ls -rec | grep -v "Rule:" | grep -v "hijacked" | grep -v "eclipsed" | grep -v "-->" | xargs echo