Checking if a variable is defined in SASS

For Sass 3.3 and later

As of Sass 3.3 there is a variable-exists() function. From the changelog:

  • It is now possible to determine the existence of different Sass constructs using these new functions:
    • variable-exists($name) checks if a variable resolves in the current scope.
    • global-variable-exists($name) checks if a global variable of the given name exists.

Example usage:

$some_variable: 5;
@if variable-exists(some_variable) {
    /* I get output to the CSS file */
@if variable-exists(nonexistent_variable) {
    /* But I don't */

For Sass 3.2.x and earlier (my original answer)

I ran into the same problem today: trying to check if a variable is set, and if so adding a style, using a mixin, etc.

After reading that an isset() function isn’t going to be added to sass, I found a simple workaround using the !default keyword:

@mixin my_mixin() {
  // Set the variable to false only if it's not already set.
  $base-color: false !default;

  // Check the guaranteed-existing variable. If it didn't exist 
  // before calling this mixin/function/whatever, this will 
  // return false.
  @if $base-color {
     color: $base-color;

If false is a valid value for your variable, you can use:

@mixin my_mixin() {
  $base-color: null !default;

  @if $base-color != null {
     color: $base-color;

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