Comparison between Centralized and Distributed Version Control Systems [closed]

From my answer to a different question: Distributed version control systems (DVCSs) solve different problems than Centralized VCSs. Comparing them is like comparing hammers and screwdrivers. Centralized VCS systems are designed with the intent that there is One True Source that is Blessed, and therefore Good. All developers work (checkout) from that source, and then … Read more

Can you “ignore” a file in Perforce?

As of version 2012.1, Perforce supports the P4IGNORE environment variable. I updated my answer to this question about ignoring directories with an explanation of how it works. Then I noticed this answer, which is now superfluous I guess. Assuming you have a client named “CLIENT”, a directory named “foo” (located at your project root), and … Read more

What’s the easiest way to commit and push a single file while leaving other modifications alone?

It’s been almost 2 years since I originally posed this question. I’d do it differently now (as I mentioned in a comment above the question above). What I’d do now would be to instead commit my changes to the one file in my local repo (you can use the hg record extension to only commit … Read more

How to edit incorrect commit message in Mercurial? [duplicate]

Update: Mercurial has added –amend which should be the preferred option now. You can rollback the last commit (but only the last one) with hg rollback and then reapply it. Important: this permanently removes the latest commit (or pull). So if you’ve done a hg update that commit is no longer in your working directory … Read more
