Add parameters to the URL (redirect) via a Greasemonkey/Tampermonkey/Userscript

The script should do these things: Detect if the current URL is already to the compact site. Load the compact version of the page if necessary. Beware of “anchor” URLS (they end with “fragments” or “hashes” (#…) ) and account for them. Keep the unwanted pages out of the browser history so that the back … Read more

Passing a parameter via URL to SQL Server Reporting Services

First, be sure to replace Reports/Pages/Report.aspx?ItemPath= with ReportServer?. In other words, instead of this: http://server/Reports/Pages/Report.aspx?ItemPath=/ReportFolder/ReportSubfolder/ReportName Use this syntax: http://server/ReportServer?/ReportFolder/ReportSubfolder/ReportName Parameters can be referenced or displayed in a report using @ParameterName, whether they’re set in the report or in the URL. You can attach parameters to the URL with &ParameterName=Value. To hide the toolbar where parameters … Read more

Encode / decode URLs

You can do all the URL encoding you want with the net/url module. It doesn’t break out the individual encoding functions for the parts of the URL, you have to let it construct the whole URL. Having had a squint at the source code I think it does a very good and standards compliant job. … Read more

delete version number in url

In Application.init(): mount(new MountedMapperWithoutPageComponentInfo(“/subpage”, MyPage.class)); with the following Mapper class: public class MountedMapperWithoutPageComponentInfo extends MountedMapper { public MountedMapperWithoutPageComponentInfo(String mountPath, Class<? extends IRequestablePage> pageClass) { super(mountPath, pageClass, new PageParametersEncoder()); } @Override protected void encodePageComponentInfo(Url url, PageComponentInfo info) { // do nothing so that component info does not get rendered in url } @Override public Url mapHandler(IRequestHandler … Read more