Get TFS to ignore my packages folder

Here’s the deal: We have to tell both NuGet and TFS to ignore the packages, because NuGet is trying to do source-control related stuff that it absolutely shouldn’t be doing (bad form, Microsoft!). So you have to do two things. First, add a file named .tfignore to the solution folder (note the lack of s … Read more

Is it able to ignore/disable the first step Get source in vNext Build?

Update: Now you should use below to avoid syncing sources at all: Classic Editor: agent.source.skip=true YAML: steps: – checkout: none It’s not able to directly disable/remove the Get Sources task. However, you could add a variable to achieve it: Build.SyncSources = false You can see from below screenshot, the Get Sources operation started and finished … Read more

Visual Studio 2015 TFS .tfignore file

First, please make sure your .tfignore file created without any problem. This file does not have any suffix. One way to create it suggest you to rename a new.txt file with “tfignore.” It will auto change to right .tfignore file. You can also use the auto automatically generated .tfignore file, follow below steps: In the … Read more

Team Build Error: The Path … is already mapped to workspace

Use the command line utility TF – Team Foundation Version Control Tool (tf). You can get a list of all workspaces by bringing up a Visual Studio Command Prompt then changing to your workspace folder and issuing the following commands: C:\YourWorkspaceFolder>tf workspaces /owner:* You should see your problem workspace in the list as well as … Read more

BuildActivity ignores ToolsVersion

For those of us not living inside build templates every day here’s the steps that got it working for me: First find the template associated with your build (if you already know where to find it skip a couple steps). Just right click the build definition and select Edit build definition Select the Process tab … Read more

Clear stored TFS credentials in Visual Studio 2017

Please try below items to narrow down the issue: Remove the TFS related credentials from Credential Manager In Credential Manager add the new updated Generic Credentials for the TFS account. Generally, this would overwrite the cached credentials. Close all Visual Studio instances, delete %LOCALAPPDATA%\.IdentityService as you did. Clear TFS caches %LOCALAPPDATA%\Microsoft\Team Foundation\7.0\Cache Clear all the … Read more

How to ignore files/directories in TFS for avoiding them to go to central source repository?

If you’re using local workspaces (TFS 2012+) you can now use the .tfignore file to exclude local folders and files from being checked in. If you add that file to source control you can ensure others on your team share the same exclusion settings. Full details on MSDN – For the lazy: You can … Read more

How can I completely remove TFS Bindings

File -> Source Control -> Advanced -> Change Source Control and then unbind and/or disconnect all projects and the solution. This should remove all bindings from the solution and project files. (After this you can switch the SCC provider in Tools -> Options -> Source Control -> Plug-in Selection). The SCC specification prescribes that all … Read more