How to compile a linux shell script to be a standalone executable *binary* (i.e. not just e.g. chmod 755)?

The solution that fully meets my needs would be SHC – a free tool, or CCsh a commercial tool. Both compile shell scripts to C, which then can be compiled using a C compiler. Links about SHC: Links about CCsh:

VBScript getting results from Shell

You will want to use the WshShell object’s Exec method instead of Run. Then simply read the command line’s output from the standard streams. Try this one: Const WshFinished = 1 Const WshFailed = 2 strCommand = “ping.exe” Set WshShell = CreateObject(“WScript.Shell”) Set WshShellExec = WshShell.Exec(strCommand) Select Case WshShellExec.Status Case WshFinished strOutput = WshShellExec.StdOut.ReadAll … Read more

Stopping scripters from slamming your website

How about implementing something like SO does with the CAPTCHAs? If you’re using the site normally, you’ll probably never see one. If you happen to reload the same page too often, post successive comments too quickly, or something else that triggers an alarm, make them prove they’re human. In your case, this would probably be … Read more

Scripting Language vs Programming Language [closed]

Scripting languages are programming languages that don’t require an explicit compilation step. For example, in the normal case, you have to compile a C program before you can run it. But in the normal case, you don’t have to compile a JavaScript program before you run it. So JavaScript is sometimes called a “scripting” language. … Read more
