Why OpenCV Using BGR Colour Space Instead of RGB

“The reason why the early developers at OpenCV chose BGR color format is probably that back then BGR color format was popular among camera manufacturers and software providers. E.g. in Windows, when specifying color value using COLORREF they use the BGR format 0x00bbggrr. BGR was a choice made for historical reasons and now we have … Read more

sift = cv2.xfeatures2d.SIFT_create() not working even though have contrib installed

I had the same problem. It seems that SIRF and SURF are no longer available in opencv > I chose an older opencv-python and opencv-contrib-python versions and solved this problem. Here is the history version about opencv-python, and I use the following code : pip install opencv-python== pip install opencv-contrib-python== Edit For Anaconda User … Read more

‘unresolved external symbol’ error when linking with OpenCV 3.0

Here the steps to use OpenCV 3.0.0 with precompiled libs, for a C++ project that links OpenCV statically, in Windows (tested with Windows 8.1) and Visual Studio (tested with Visual Studio 2013) to run this program: #include <opencv2\opencv.hpp> using namespace cv; int main() { Mat3b img = imread(“path_to_image”); imshow(“img”, img); waitKey(); return 0; } Download … Read more

2 usb cameras not working with opencv

The typical reason for 2+ USB cameras to not work together (still they might be working fine separately) is that USB bandwidth is insufficient for them both to run simultaneously. There is a bandwidth limit, which is rather low: The maximum throughput of an isochronous pipe (which is usually used for video) is 24MB/s. More … Read more

Opencv virtually camera rotating/translating for bird’s eye view

That is the code i would advise (it’s one of mine), to my mind it answers a lot of your questions, If you want the distance, i would precise that it is in the Z matrix, the (4,3) coefficient. Hope it will help you… Mat source=imread(“Whatyouwant.jpg”); int alpha_=90., beta_=90., gamma_=90.; int f_ = 500, dist_ … Read more

Computing camera pose with homography matrix based on 4 coplanar points

If you have your Homography, you can calculate the camera pose with something like this: void cameraPoseFromHomography(const Mat& H, Mat& pose) { pose = Mat::eye(3, 4, CV_32FC1); // 3×4 matrix, the camera pose float norm1 = (float)norm(H.col(0)); float norm2 = (float)norm(H.col(1)); float tnorm = (norm1 + norm2) / 2.0f; // Normalization value Mat p1 = … Read more