How can I reference package version in npm script?

1) Referencing package version in npm-scripts. In npm-script‘s you can reference the version using the variable npm_package_version. For example: Using a bash shell (E.g. Linux, macOS): { … “version”: “1.0.0”, “scripts”: { “build”: “echo $npm_package_version” } } Note the $ prefix Using Windows (E.g. cmd.exe, Powershell): { … “version”: “1.0.0”, “scripts”: { “build”: “echo %npm_package_version%” … Read more

NPM doesn’t install module dependencies

It looks like you hit a bug that has existed for quite a while and doesn’t have solution yet. There are several open issues for this case in the npm repository: npm install should recursively check/install dependencies (closed) local private module dependencies (closed) In the first one people list several workarounds that you … Read more

Do I need both package-lock.json and package.json?

Do you need both package-lock.json and package.json? No. Do you need the package.json? Yes. Can you have a project with only the package-lock.json? No. The package.json is used for more than dependencies – like defining project properties, description, author & license information, scripts, etc. The package-lock.json is solely used to lock dependencies to a specific … Read more

npm equivalent of yarn resolutions?

Since NPM 8.3 the equivalent to yarn resolutions is called overrides. To make sure the package foo is always installed as version 1.0.0 no matter what version your dependencies rely on: { “overrides”: { “foo”: “1.0.0” } } Documentation: Why and how the feature was added it’s discussed in the RFC and discussion on … Read more
