Combine values from related rows into a single concatenated string value

This is easy using Allen Browne’s ConcatRelated() function. Copy the function from that web page and paste it into an Access standard code module. Then this query will return what you asked for. SELECT i.N_ID, i.F_Name, i.L_Name, ConcatRelated( “Course_ID”, “tbl_Courses”, “N_ID = ‘” & [N_ID] & “‘” ) AS Course_IDs FROM tbl_Instructors AS i; Consider … Read more

How does one decompile and recompile a database application?

To Decompile an Access database you’ll need to create a shortcut with the following elements: Path to the MS Access Executable (MSACESS.exe) Path to the database you would like to decompile The /decompile flag All together, then, the shortcut would look something like the following: “C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office\MSACCESS.EXE” “C:\users\tim\documents\Mydatabase.mdb” /decompile Obviously, the paths will be … Read more
