Get Name of Current VBA Function

There’s nothing to get the current function name, but you can build a fairly lightweight tracing system using the fact that VBA object lifetimes are deterministic. For example, you can have a class called ‘Tracer’ with this code: Private proc_ As String Public Sub init(proc As String) proc_ = proc End Sub Private Sub Class_Terminate() … Read more

connected combo boxes in continuous form – the second combo doesn’t show its value if dependent on first combo how could I fix that

This technique is known as cascading combobox. A very common topic. Be aware that if combobox RowSource uses an alias (displays text when saving ID) the text will not be available for display in all records when the list is filtered. This is especially disconcerting for users of continuous/datasheet view form. Could have code that … Read more

Save password for ODBC connection to MS SQL server from MS Access 2007

The best solution is obviously to use Windows security. If that is not suitable, here is a possible alternative trick, exploiting the fact that Access remembers all opened connections until the program is closed: copy the connect string of one of your tables create a passthru queries “ptqConnect” and enter any fast SQL statement in … Read more

Trouble with InputBoxes

Here is a way to catch most outcomes of interacting with the dialog; Dim value As String value = InputBox(“Please enter a #”, “Determine Limit”, 10000) If (StrPtr(value) = 0) Then MsgBox “You pressed cancel or [X]” ElseIf (value = “”) Then MsgBox “You did not enter anything” ElseIf (Val(value) = 0 And value <> … Read more

How to write Case Sensitive Query for MS Access?

You can use the StrComp() function with vbBinaryCompare for a case-sensitive comparison. Here is an example from the Immediate window to show how StrComp() works. See the Access help topic for more details. ? StrComp(“a”, “A”, vbBinaryCompare) 1 ? StrComp(“a”, “A”,vbTextCompare) 0 StrComp() returns 0 if the first two arguments evaluate as equal, 1 or … Read more

Concatenating multiple rows into single line in MS Access [duplicate]

I used a subquery for the GROUP BY which computes the Sum of Err for each group. Then I added the ConcatRelated function (from Allen Browne) with the fields returned by the subquery. This is the query and the output (based on your sample data in make_table_bp) from the query: SELECT sub.[Name], sub.Cat, sub.[Desc], sub.Thresh, … Read more
